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An eagle with wings spread wide in flight against a clear blue sky

EAST :: Air

Inspiration • Renewal • Clarity

I’ve been listening to the audiobook Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself where Dr. Joe Dispenza breaks down the quantum field and how we can align our thoughts and feelings with our desires to create the life we choose. It’s an incredible book I highly recommend.

In it, Dr Dispenza talks about how atoms are primarily made up of energy- not matter. Which he then goes on to explain means that everything in this world is made up of more energy than it is solid material. Whaaaaat?!

Air is made up of 78.08% nitrogen & 20.95% oxygen. If each of those elements is comprised of molecules, which are comprised of atoms, then that means at its core, air is… energy. Which says to me that every time we inhale, we’re literally inhaling energy.

Not only does air fill our lungs and travel to every muscle and organ in our body, but it literally gives us life force. Like a divine gas tank dispensing invisible fuel that will sustain us along our journey.

I mean, that’s pretty freaking cool.

As an archetype, Air is the symbol of Inspiration, renewal, and clarity. This fits well with the idea of getting a boost of gas with every inhale! We can see this coming to life in the saying “You’re a breath of fresh air” implying that a person embodying this element is light, fresh, bringing something new, illuminating, invigorating, etc.

East, which is the larger umbrella in which Air gathers, so perfectly represents the young maiden full of new and fresh possibilities. I like to envision a young woman full of curiosity wandering a field of wildflowers, her hands out to her sides letting them graze the tops of the petals as she walks by.

East is the wind that carries seeds of new beginnings, literally. And the atmosphere! An invariable feast of energy swirling around us at all times!

The East is also characterized by the mental dimension- the thinking realm, where ideas take flight and dreams are born. Here we see the marriage between East (our thoughts) and Air (energy) and how it aligns so beautifully with Dr. Dispenza's wisdom about how our thoughts and our energy create our reality. A new start. A fresh beginning. 

We can imagine the Maiden, Diana, Artemis—the Lady of Communion. East is her realm. It's the space of birth, menarche, and the first blood. It’s the dawn of our existence.

In our personal lives, East asks us to awaken our minds and open our hearts to the fresh possibilities that a new day brings.

To help you connect more deeply with this archetype, here are a few reflective questions.

  1. What new beginnings or opportunities are currently presenting themselves in my life? How can I embrace these changes with an open heart and mind?
  2. Do thoughts of self-doubt and worry take over? How can you reframe them to bring in the energy of a new perspective? For example, try swapping “I’m so behind in life!” with “I trust I’m exactly where I need to be and it’s all unfolding perfectly.”
  3. Reflect on a recent change or transformation in your life. How did it impact you mentally and emotionally? How can you use what you’ve learned about East to navigate and embrace future changes?
  4. In what ways can I deepen my connection to my breath and the spirit of Air? How can mindful breathing and awareness enhance my life?
  5. How do I embody the qualities of the Maiden in my life? Reflect on the aspects of new life and creativity with in you. How can you honor these aspects more fully in your daily practices and rituals?

East is an archetype we can connect to with every breath. A few times a day, take a moment to breathe in deeply and bring awareness to this life-giving resource that is here to energize, inspire, and awaken you to new possibilities.

With deep love and grounded blessings,


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