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Campfire with glowing embers and flames

South :: Fire

Awaken • Passion • Play

Welcome, welcome! Are you ready to get a little hot under the collar? 😉

South is represented by the element of Fire! This is the direction of passion, action, and the raw, instinctive power of the Goddess!

This direction is one of my favorites as it’s packed with the ability to awaken your inner flame, to embrace the fullness of your being, and ignite the desires that lie within! Mmmmm…. So good!

For centuries women have been taught to stuff their desires. To not want too much, express too much, and dare I say, be too sensual. But South reminds us that these things are inherent to our being and that we must embrace them to find wholeness. 

The Essence of South is the sacred space of Fire, the element that embodies the transformative power of flames, lightning, and electricity. It’s the noonday sun at the height of its power, the Summer Solstice in full bloom, the fecundity and fertility that drives creation. Does anyone else love the word, fecund like I do?!

Think of the Empress, flowers in full bloom, and the abundant beauty of Mother Earth. South is where we experience passion, sensuality, and the erotic aliveness of life. Sigh.

In human life, South represents the behavioral dimension, the realm of action and doing. It's about taking bold steps, embracing our desires, and living fully in the present moment. South is the fire within us, the energy that propels us forward, the spark that ignites our dreams and passions. I told you, she’s a powerhouse! 

South and Our Instinctive Power:

Fire is the element of action, the raw Shakti power of creation. It's the energy of purification and illumination, of penetration and inspiration. Fire is the power of your passion, the flash, and fervor of release, the smoldering spark of the divine triple flame within you that ignites love, power, and wisdom.

Embracing South in Our Lives:

To embrace the South, we must honor the behavioral dimension of our lives. This is where we take action and pursue our desires and passions. It's about living in full expression, celebrating our sensuality, and embracing the erotic aliveness that flows through us.

How can we honor the South in our daily lives? By allowing ourselves to feel deeply, to express our passions, and to take bold actions. It's about recognizing the beauty and abundance around us, and within us. South teaches us to live with intensity, to embrace the fullness of our desires, and to act on the inspirations that ignite our souls.

South calls us to awaken our senses, to embrace our sensuality and the erotic aliveness that makes life vibrant. I don’t know about you but it's getting a little hot over here!

Integration and Passion:

To help you integrate the energy of South into your life, here are 5 reflective questions that will help you deepen your relationship with her.

  1. What are my deepest passions and desires? How can I bring more of them into my daily life to feel more alive and fulfilled?
  2. In what areas of my life do I need to take bold action? How can I harness the power of Fire to overcome obstacles and move towards my goals with confidence and determination?
  3. How do I currently express my sensuality and erotic aliveness? What practices or activities can I incorporate to bring this part of me alive? (Please know, this can be done with or without a partner. This is all about you and your relationship to this powerful energy.)
  4. Reflect on a recent experience where you felt a significant transformation. How did this change illuminate or purify aspects of your life, and how can you continue to foster this process of fiery transformation?
  5. How do I channel my creative energy? Are there any new forms of creative expression that I can explore?

Here’s to allowing the flames of Fire to inspire you, purify you, and guide you toward your highest potential!

With deep love and grounded blessings,


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